ASU in Mexico newsletter
April Newsletter 2021
- Hispanic students continue to thrive at Arizona State
- Renewed agreement expands UNAM collaboration
- ASU, Dell Technologies Mexico ‘Tech Talk’ focuses on educational models
- Lalo Alcaraz joins ASU school as artist-in-residence
- Convergence Lab, Tec de Monterrey panel weighs-in on medical innovation without borders
- Border talk gives Latin American academics insight
- ASU cybersecurity expert shares knowledge during UNITEC Engineering Week
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March Newsletter 2021
- ASU returning to in-person classes for fall semester
- Sonora governor, ASU president speak with ‘Age of Active Learning’ grads
- ASU alumna to serve as next UNISON president
- Convergence Lab talks ‘three sports, two countries, one fan base’
- ASU, UNISON co-teach to advance drug prevention effort in Mexico
- ASU joins Sonora’s ‘International Education Day’
- Mexican consulate celebrates Latin women in higher ed, hosts ASU faculty
- Academic collaboration with UABC moves forward
- Essay: Exploring Mexico City’s Museo del Enervante
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February Newsletter 2021
- COVID-19 vaccination site opens at ASU stadium
- Alumna’s nonprofit helping thousands in rural Mexico
- New student capstone program moves forward
- Biochemist with ties to Mexico, ASU designing vaccines at Moderna
- Faculty exchange continues justice work in Mexico
- Convergence Lab hosting journalism challenges talk
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December Newsletter 2020
- Presidents embrace higher education’s ‘fifth wave,’ sign online student exchange agreement
- Napolitano gives law school ‘Victims’ Voice’ keynote
- Graduate college secures Mexico-U.S. award to research sustainable farming
- First binational student capstone program debuts in Sonora in 2021
- Tecnológico de Monterrey among Hackathon winners
- Sonora students heading toward ASU online courses
- 'Animal Político' features ASU turtle researcher
- Convergence Lab hosts misinformation webinar
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