ASU in Mexico newsletter

June Newsletter 2022
- ASU president addresses innovation at Innova Forum
- ASU Art Museum hosts popular Mexican ‘luchadores’
- Binational symposium explores latest cancer research
- ‘Mexico Today Spotlight’ explores binational medical research
- ASU experts discuss COVID-19 with ‘El Economista’
- Convergence Lab hosting talk on Mexican food travels
- Transborder school advances COLEF collaboration

May Newsletter 2022
- ASU, Sonora to increase cross-border collaboration
- Norson binational engineering capstone to continue
- Law professor testifies at electoral tribunal hearing
- Transborder studies, UABC conduct binational forum
- Social work students give Hermosillo trip 'thumbs up'
- Workshop promotes sustainable tourism in Sky Island borderlands
- Mexico experts discuss femicide crisis at symposium

February Newsletter 2022
- Crow: Leverage crisis to transform education, future
- Tia Foundation, ASU bring medical care to Sonora Yaqui Nation
- APLU supports academic freedom in Mexico
- Immigrant alumna leads nonprofit to help migrants
- UABC grad students prep for careers with ASU course
- UAEM faculty recognized for REMOTE participation
- Simbiosis hosting free journalism live talks in April

December Newsletter 2021
- Binational convocation explores value of universities
- ASU assists in advancing Mexico’s judicial system
- Mexican universities offered special REMOTE invite
- Students present final data to Sonoran pork producer
- Thousands complete ‘active learning’ course in 2021
- New program introduces students to social work, personal growth in Hermosillo
- El COLEF border seminar features transborder faculty

November Newsletter 2021
- Tec, U.S. schools seek to advance neurotechnology
- ASU promotes entrepreneurship at Mexico’s ANUIES international conference
- Proposal: Let ‘everyday people’ govern the border
- UABC partnership moving forward on multiple fronts
- Binational panel analyzes online privacy, protection
- Students exchange ideas during COIL virtual forum
- U.S. & Mexico: Shared water, shared solutions