Microalgal Biomass Production in Testbeds Using Wastewater (Institute of Engineering)
Researchers from ASU’s Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation (AzCATI) and UNAM’s Institute of Engineering are progressing on their joint microalgae project. A team from UNAM visited ASU’s AzCATI to learn different methods to implement on campus―optical density, dry weight, among others― how to conduct microscopic observations, enumeration of contaminants, pond sampling and operation procedures. Additionally, AzCATI team members visited Juriquilla, Queretaro to install two open-raceway ponds and trained personnel on monitoring systems and Aqua Manager Software. Among next steps, AzCATI and UNAM researchers are working on experimental designs to run polycultures at both universities.
ASU Program Owner(s)
Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation (AzCATI) at Arizona State University
Mexican Program Partner(s)