Digital and Pedagogical Transformation in UDG

Universidad de Guadalajara learns about ASU’s approach to innovation

Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) faculty and administrators arrived in Tempe Oct. 7 to learn how ASU leverages technology and design to improve educational outcomes. ASU President Michael Crow provided the group an overview of the university, while other key executives described elements instrumental to ASU’s innovative approach—including course development process, instructional support services and infrastructure, designing hybrid models of education and using learning analytics. As one of Mexico’s top universities, UDG is incorporating new and innovative approaches to lead the university’s digital transformation starting with the classrooms, making learning more engaging. “Universidad de Guadalajara is one of our great Mexico partners,” said Paola Hidalgo, ASU’s senior director for Mexico Relations. “They are an incredible institution sharing many of ASU’s principles while searching for innovative ways to better educate students and make a positive impact throughout Mexico.”

ASU Program Owner(s)

Mexican Program Partner(s)

Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG)